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Poetry: ALLAHUMA By: Faadil Ibn Uthman

The mind can't withheld the pressure any more. The eyes can't control the falling of the drops The world can't control the pandemic again We call on to your aid ya Allah

We know we are ingrate to your bounty And our evil has appeared on the land and sea We have been tasting the part of what we have done We call for you forgiveness ya Allah

We know that you are the subduer And you have the power to destroy It cost you nothing than BE And with your commandment it would BE

Thy are the beneficent And we are the maleficent Thy are the flawless shaper And we are the flawed borer


Thy are our lord Non has the right to be worshiped but you You are the indivisible You are the everlasting You procreate not, Nor you are procreated And there is none co equal or comparable to you


Oh our lord We know we have wronged our self And we are confessing unto you our sins We know that you are the all forgiving And you are capable of forgiving us But if you forgive us not We shall certainly be of the losers If you bestow not upon us your mercy We shall certainly be of the deadbeat


disinter all our bad consequences and dismantle all our unhealthiness Do help us on this plague And heal all the world


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