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Poetry:Ten days of dhul-hijjah: By: Fadil Ibn Uthman

The down has open
The first light of the month
The days had been swear upon
By the owner of the month

You are still sleeping 
Why people are awake 
In the middle of the night 
For even and the odd

You heard the reward
Still you neglected 
Whose day are more better 
Than the one Allah emphasize on

People are doing good deeds
You decline your self from it
People are repeating tesbeeh and tahmid
You keep yourself busy with soapy and opotoyi

Why don't you maximize your time
For this exceptional reward 
Attributed to this ten days
To seek his favor and mercy

Which deed are more better 
Than the jihad for the sake of Allah 
Yet the lord still Accentuate
That this ten days is more better

Why don't you enjoy moving close to your lord
By establishing solat and reading his word
Why don't you trade your money
With bounty of rewards

O thy the pious
Let hasten to our lord
He has promised to welcome 
All our good deeds

[8/11, 17:27] Ink Usman Unilorin: Sex

Oh thy the sexes 
Lend me your ears
Don't change the little pleasure 
To eternal pain

You may receive happiness 
Doing the race
But don't be forgetful 
You will later shed the rain

They warn you against it
You called it civilization 
You use just three letters 
To destroy your lane

Why don't you have small patient 
And wait for the day
The day you will be join together 
And you will enjoy your fay

Why are you rushing 
Of the food you were to preserve 
Why don't you keep your pride
For the main man that will ride

You always feel sexiness 
Why don't you marry 
You allow the prey
To hunt with his orgiastic interest


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