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Poetry: Al-majiri: By: Fadil Ibn Uthman

If a butcher had knew the importance of the skin
He would had kept it for leather shoes 
If our parents had knew what they call future
They would had took care of us from the infant

They bring us to this world 
Just because of their sexual arousal
They gave birth to us
And left us with our cross

They took care of the ladies
Just because of the bridal gift
They called us al -muhajirun
And sent us away for survival

We roam around the streets 
To collect alms for sustainer
Babianla babianla 
 Is our early morning anthem

We are bestowed with brain 
And we always visit the brain trainer
We memorized day and night 
The scripture of the oneness

We hustle to be educated 
Still yet ba turanchi
Some later went into business 
And some were educated 

We later became influential person
Still yet they called  us al-majiri
We replied Ba komi
Dan tata and dangote is our role model


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