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Poetry:FALL FOR THE WORLD By: Faadil Ibn Uthman

Subsequently nine turns in dusk i saw the lamp
Folks started  to  elate, i bump into tears
I start to imagine, The source of their exultant
Why are they rejoicing when quietus  is swift  advancing 

I begin  to think of my past voyage
The oat I made with the possessor of my psyche 
Do you all testified to my oneness 
I recall intensely that I clamour yes

All of a sudden it comes to my egghead
The caution I was given not to let him invade
The serpent  that has vow to lead us astray 
And his like that are ready to Permeate 

Forget not that live is a trial
Million seed were killed for you to exist 
Do not go farther the lord's confines
Cos the world is full of beguilement

As soon I begun to mellow
I forgot  the caveat 
Open room for the devil to puncture
Cos the mind is prone to evil

Nor do I left off the hook
Of the blame that I acquire his treachery
Fair in my eyes the love of heaped -up hoards of gold
Silver multitude and tiled of land

Albeit he cited  not to Pretermit your section 
Hunt for furtherance of the cosmos and UN not your futurity
Alas!  I was apprehend  by the Macrocosm
I fall for him and his cortege


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