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Permit me to give you just a little background 
About the magic of thinking big
Do not limit your thinking faculty to your present status
Think ten times ahead your determination 

Success is not determined by the size of the brain
But how fast the brain can think 
You want to harvest honey from bamboo tree
And you go forth by cutting the tree

Behold , they say the size of bank accounts 
Is the size of happiness accounts 
The size of one's general satisfaction account 
Depends on the size of one's thinking 

If thinking big accomplish so much
Why don't you create the habit now
Don't you know that the deeper you dug into what is behind success
The clearer was the answer

Don't get lost with what they said
What ever will be will be
Though fate is in complete control 
And they said destiny is outside your control 

If truly it is outside your control 
Why don't you sleep at home and be expecting Grand
But mind you success doesn't demand a prise
For every step forward pays a dividend 

Though the magic of thinking big
Come from the highest pedigree Sources 
Why don't you set your thought to rule the world 
Cos as one thinketh  in his hearth so is he

You want to live big 
But you don't think big
Thinking big does work of magic
Think big, you will live in big happiness and accomplishment


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