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Oh thy Fatima Ummu sufyan
I called you by the name you are destined to be
Make hey now cos the sun is still shining 
If you want to be like Ummu l Aaima

The glass had been placed in your front
The map had been drawn on the earth
The foundation had been laid in the past
Just look at Fatimatul Zahra and lay your path

Do you want to become Mother of her Father too
Like that of Ummu Abiha to the prophet 
Just keep your pride till the day you will be entrusted to the right man
May be it might be among the source that will lead your Fathers to Jannah

Fight like a courageous little tigress
The sayton that might hinder your progress 
Don't let him come in between you and your success 
To save your story from another digress

Hold on to the truth and contented 
If you want to be called Al sidiqoh and Rodiyah
Just like it was given to fatimatul Batul
The Blessed and the pure among The women

I thought too much of your kunya
Ummu Sufyan to be precise 
But I get to know in the Book of History 
The great Jurisprudence called al thawri

Ummu l Aimma :mother of imams
Al Zahra : The splendid one, the lady of light 
Ummu l Abbia : Mother of her Father
Fathers: parents 
Al sidiqoh:The Truthful woman
Al Rodiya : The content woman 
Batul: The chaste, The pure
Thawr:sufyanu thawri, Islamic scholar of jurist


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