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We call for independent, 
Back then in the 1960s. 
With the struggle and power of  heroes past
We are free and given our right back

The land begin to fertile 
And sprout out the green grasses 
The three tribe unite together 
And raise the white flag of unity

Back then we are called the giant of  Africa
Because of how productive we are 
They call us fastest developing country 
Due to our economic  stability

We got the back of many countries 
By enriching  them with our wealth and resources 
We give the Malaysians our palm seeds for free 
Now we are fighting for the drop of the oil

We support the south Africans 
With  money and our army force 
We accommodate them and their products 
Now they are fighting back and claiming champion

We give the Ghanian where to dwell in
And create space for them in our industries 
They work hard and take the grace back 
to develop and eradicate poverty in their country

We grow together with some countries 
China,  Brazil and the Malaysians
They have elevate and rating  among the best 
Why we are here and still asking how to crawl

We celebrate the independence 
Every 1st of October 
When we are still depending
On other countries product  for survival

We are blessed with fruitful land
Yet we can't produce food for the mouth 
We depends on guinea and Cotonou 
For our grains,  fibres and rubber 

We are blessed with mineral resources 
Gold, coal,  tin and crude oil 
Yet we lack the mentally intellect
To maintain what we are bless with

Are we still independent 
When we depends on America 
To refine what flow in our land
And import it for us in a huge capital

Are we still independent 
When we kill our own country 
And invest in other countries 
To boom there economy

Are we still independent 
When we kill our power holding company 
And imported series of electric and solar source 
To light up where we dwell in

Are we still independent 
Nigerians let think of it
We are celebrating 59th
When we haven't elevate from crawling

God bless Nigeria 


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