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Poetry: Rules By: Aminat Titilayo Bakare

You are a Woman!
You here me?
So you put your eye down
Don't slouch and sit straight
Bitter therein is not allowed
Make a meal three a times 
Forget wearing a uniform
Perfect you must your sewing skills
Flawless is what is expected.

So I forgot about my dreams of sitting in a class
I carry my bowl and head to the stream
The long lane before me like my life
A cooped up episode from a dreary movie
I savour to hold a pen in my hands
Even if I'm acquainted with only the touch of a cooking spoon

You're a woman.
You here me?
Do not even dream of slaving Yourself 
Not in front a board and chalk at least
Do it here,
Yes, here you are wanted.
-Meenah Bakare

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  1. Reading this gave me goosebumps. Good Perry does that to me
