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Poetry: AL-MAJIRIS By: Abd'Fatah Olayinka Abd'Samad

Behold! 'cause here I come, 
I am dancing to the beat I drum, 
I'm not afraid —to be seen, 
I'd show no regrets... 
... And make no apologies, 
This is me. 

I was born of tattered cloth.
it cradled me from childhood, 
It covered my naked truth
Rough and torn,
I am provided with warm embrace 
I am a dirty but not a trash
Show me your empathy not your sympathy 

 I walk in darkness, unaware 
 See the pacing angel down the street, I couldn't make a gaze,
Here's some swimming ants in the water I drink, I can't see them
I am blind but not a dirt, 
Show me some empathy not your sympathy 

I smell your sumptuous roasted beef
I crave your fancy treated drink
Even I dreamt of your fancy laced boots... 
But here I am— hopeless on my dreams 
I am poor and less graced...
Show me your empathy not your sympathy 

Win my fight, 
Blame my right...
But cheat me not, 
I am dumb,  not dumb! 
Show me your empathy not your sympathy 

We toil, we plead, we borrow, 
We are being hunted by the serpent of tomorrow, 
We beg, but we don't steal... 
Do not hurt our pride like some swarms of ants
We are challenged but not mentally!
We are Al-Majiris... 
Show us some empathy not your sympathy!


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