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Motivational Story: DON'T CRITICIZE HUMANITY By: John Opeyemi.I.

Humanity as a phrase solely has it's meaning which is to be, "ample of human beings". The touch of an exhibition of a benevolent attitude is to be seen admits us. Generosity and so on shouldn't be crumpled in our intrusive doorsteps. We should find life carrying out the defined job.
Criticism is a futile phrase on it's sole. It's as a stunted growth plant residing admits indiscernible humans. It's uncalled for and not suppose to be real. Those people falls to this category of reprimanding others by unleashing dreadful and lured attitude towards same human - tongue lashing them.

Carlyle quoted this that, "A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men". I reasoned with him but placed fools at the sagging edge of it. Scrabbled and interchanged the quote inputting fools as a replacement. I quote it otherwise, "a fool shows his lukewarmness by the way he treats little men". It looks fascinating during the disposition of words there but at the same time transmit discernible meaning. Many of humans discriminate and make a procrastination on same human of them. I said this because I have an illustration to make;

There was a man who had a son, age of 8. I'd assume him to be too small to be left alone by his father's side. His father would maltreat him, condemn him, complain about him and then criticize him. Each time the boy does anything on define, he never left time to hear the boy out but other than beat him up. He hits him with iron rods and the likes. So sympathetic you say? Yes, it is and I felt like forcing tears to steam down my face. Among the boys friend's, when they are found playing with toys, he'd just walk on the boys hand intentionally and tears steamed out down his face. He looks at the heavens thinking of anyone to comfort him but found no one. But what touched me about the boys attitude was that at the time he was to sleep at night, he went straight to the sitting room where his father was restlessly starring at the TV set and installing information into his decayed brain. The boy went to him, hugged him and kissed him before he went to bed. The man was touched too at this climax. He later realized how foolish he is to have criticized his solely son. He made a restitution and pleaded with the boy when he traveled to his room but not knowing the boy is gone - dead. His lukewarmness unleashed itself and made him a fool of himself after the realization of the futility of criticism.
Benjamin Franklin said,"I'll speak ill of no man and speak all the good of everybody" and Confucius said, " don't complain about the snow on your neighbor's roof when your own doorstep is unclean". The way we criticize and condemn people arouses resentment and indignation within them. They feel dejected and are forced to make suicide. Come to think of the assault and damage it'd cause them assimilating those criticism but finding it difficult to accept - like a defeat to them. Each time anyone make you infuriated, exercise patience and hear him out first. He might have his own reasonable reason for his action. Never have the appetite of condemning your fellow men. Think alongside with them and instead hug and kiss them. An illustration of this;

A mechanic serviced his clients HUMMER JEEP one day. He finished it and headed to his clients office where he was told to land the jeep. While getting back to his shop, he received a call from the same client getting insults from him. Meanwhile, the client had drove out the car not knowing it'd be knocked down at the insufficient service the mechanic did. The mechanic fell sick at what he did and short time saw afar his client coming furiously at him. We would think he was coming to tongue-lavish the mechanic but it was different. He got to the reach of the mechanic and placed his arm around his shoulder and said," to make me not to believe you made a mistake, can you help me repair my F-15 car?". Awwn. I was touched at this comforting episode of the client and the mechanic. We'd see how the client composed himself and never criticize the mechanic. That should be our hunger for. He actually showed his greatness and never speak of ill to his fellowmen but speak good of them.

In conclusion, instead of condemning people, let's try to understand them. Let's try to figure out why they do what they do. That's a lot more profitable and intriguing than criticism; and it breeds sympathy, tolerance and kindness. "To know all is to forgive all." As Dr. Johnson said: "God himself, sir, does not propose to judge man until the end of his days." Why should you and I?

- Johnmiles.

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