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Health Talk: STRESS MANAGEMENT By: John Opeyemi.I.

 One of my good friends, his name was John, came to me one good day and said to me, he was stressed today. He walked all through the day without resting and my response to him confused him. I told him I had been thinking of how to eat this night and next so I’m stressed. He said how come is that called a stress and I sat him down and explained everything that concerns stress to him and how it is been managed. 

 However, the purpose I write this article is to help people to understand and to enlighten them about being stressed. It is not only when you are tired that you are stressed. Issues, problems, troubles and challenges of life are and are also classified as one term which is called “stress.”

 The term stress, as defined by Mini-Advanced dictionary puts it this way, ‘stress is a physical, mental or emotional strain or tension.’ To make it clear, let’s do the breakdown of what it means to be physically stressed, mentally stressed or emotionally stressed.
• Physical stress is the visibility or natural forces in problems that human beings face in life.
• Mental stress is the inability to think straight, not having the right mentality of something and inhabiting chaos mind - instability or imbalance.
• Emotional stress is the reaction to natural forces of threat or persuasion.

   From medical perspective, “stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand and threat. When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, and including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action.”

 Oxford Advanced Learning dictionary defines it as, “stress is the pressure (the use of persuasion or threats) or worries (feel or cause to feel concern or anxiety) caused by problems in somebody’s life.” With these definitions, you should have understood the true meaning of stress. It won’t end here and won’t be complete without telling the causes, types and how to deal with this stress.

 There is nothing, be it troubles, problems and challenges of life that doesn’t have its source or root. There’s always a cause for it and that will lead us to the causes of stress. The causes can be external and as well internal. You are confused? Don’t be because I’m going to give some examples of it. External stress are the real danger man faces in their relationship, work or school, financial problem, more life changes, being too busy, children and family and so on while internal stress are the true danger man faces through being a pessimism, saying negative self-talk, rigid thinking, chronic worry and unrealistic goals and expectations. It operates differently and in types or forms which its classified as the properties of stress. They are;
• Acute stress: It is the most common type or form of stress. It is a short term stress and does not extend itself. Its symptoms are headache, emotional distress, stomach ache and so on.
• Episodic acute stress: It suffers on acute stress more frequently. Its symptoms are persistent tension, migraines, and hypertension and so on.
• Chronic stress: It wears away people’s life day after day and year after year. It symptoms are ulcer, violence, stroke and so on.

Moreover, the reason for this article is to know how to manage the stress. It is not how well the stress is but how far you can respond to such stress you are facing. It is possible for you to avoid the stress you are facing if only you can;
• Get moving: put on some music and dance around.
• Social engagement: make calls or email an old time friend or better still, go visit a friend of yours.
• Avoid unnecessary stress: always learn to say no to stress.
• Alter situation: express your feelings instead of bottling them up.
• Accept the things you can’t change: learn to forgive.
• Adopt a healthy lifestyle: eat healthy diet and get enough sleep.

  Conclusively, it is not how tired you are that only defines stress. Stress can come in form of life challenges. But the problem is how far you can respond to the challenges or stress you find yourself.

 I will also recommend for you to go and visit a therapist if you don’t see any changes.

- Johnmiles.

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