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Parents are caregiver to their offspring on their own species. The birth of a child becomes their own happiness and joy unlike those without children. But the roles of a parent – mother and father, on their child begins as soon as the unborn child is been born. Before one is to be ascribed as a father or a mother, there must be a relation to one’s child through receiving intensive care – parenting. The growth and the future of the child matters to them that they tend to develop them through good upbringing and applying their different roles awesomely. But there is a division of labour that makes the role of parenting come easily. The role of a father is to provide and protect the family while the role of a mother is to oversee the affairs in the home. There are also some roles carried out collectively – parental responsibility, where career selection for their child is pinned to and that which we are graced to emphasize on this article.

 Career is defined as an occupation undertaken for a long period of a person’s life. It is an innate development in human. The choice of career is a life biggest decision that requires stern consideration and vigorous thinking done carefully and cautiously. The process of developing and selecting one’s career in a person’s life must be determined with a well harnessed skills and interest. Skills and interests are two basic words that work together. One’s ability directs the interest of the person in selecting a career of its own choice. It is a substantial planning, that is, in a well determinant of man’s choice of career. There are many adjustments in the new defined generation that has putting in place different occupations with its own specified skills. Occupations require people with stern principle and a well acquired skill as a person in order for the period to last longer. It is impossible for an unskilled individual, taking up a course that he or she has no idea of how it is been processed. There is a possibility of him or her getting tired or meanwhile wrapping up abruptly at the end of the whole sessions. It is not that he willingly determines to fail but he lacks the specified tools in dealing with the course. Therefore, career selection must be built on the person’s skills and interests.

 Parents want and ensure the happiness and success for their child. That is part of what defines them. One out of many collective duties of a parent to their child is to critically help examine with them; career development and career decision-making. Psychologically, it is socially acceptable. The care, support and love given to the child would enhance the competence and the thoughts of not feeling empty. The support given by parents is counted worthy once directed to be beneficial to both parties and it reflects to reality. The support also serves as a lifetime and motivation to reaching their dreams. But not all parents are exposed to some aligned careers in the present generation – 21st century. 

 In this present generation, there is lots of adjustment has been aforementioned which requires special and qualified skills. The ability, strength and idea in enhancing the business are required and the longevity of their presence is determined from how skillful and contributing you are. There are lots of occupations that need one specified skill in you but there is a way that terminates the application once you are not endowed with such ability.  The generation we find ourselves presently has evolved and developed itself so has to make everything easy and fast. It also serves as a facilitator to every man’s dream. It has given people multiple choices to make to become and in achieving different dreams or goals as required of specified skills in the interested occupation. The dream of a child is constant and certain but the ladder that one must pass through or lead to that dream needs hard work and focusing. 

 However, advising a child to take up a different course that is against its own dream endanger the reality of his personal dream and might terminate the parent-child relationship and could bring unbearable satisfaction in their lives. They develop a low self-esteem and possibly have the feeling of emptiness. Parents would probably force their children against their own will because of the huge monetary value that surrounds that occupation. I have witnessed and heard different stories of such from different people who were forced to enroll for a course that isn’t in line with their skills and never had an interest in it. Some continued with the occupation that was in line with that course but some satisfied their parent and began enrolling for the course that is in line with their skills. I noticed there wasn’t happiness while taking that unrealistic course but they find happiness while taking up their dreamed course being in line with their skills and directed by their interests. The likelihood dangers of such life trauma are;
• Long term mental problem;
• Hatred;
• Parent-child conflict;
• Possible failure in the course (un-fulfillment)
• Undermine parental effects and many more;

 Parents are to be a guardian to their children’s career selection. Their role in career selection should be carried out in the favour of their child. That is a best way to find happiness and success for their life. They are obliged in helping their children in harnessing their skills and interests and finding a successful course that would be in line with their talents. The enforcement of such responsibility creates love, happiness and competence in the child’s life. The feeling of competence arises within them and with that is encouraged to fulfill their dreams. The termed tips on the best role and duty for a parent on their children on selecting a career should be;
• encourage them to get as much education as possible;
• help them to discover their innate talent & skills;
• value gender equality and cultural diversity;
• become aware of career resources/education and training opportunities;
• help them in developing their knowledge of the world of work;
• teach them decision making skills;
• observe with them the effects of work experience.
 Parents should guard against shooting down ideas their children may have about their future careers. If they react negatively, it may shut down the whole exploration process. Parents need to keep the lines of communication open, and encourage their child to gather as much as information as possible on their career interest areas. A parent must recognize that their role is simply to act as a facilitator in their child’s career journey and allowing independent career choices marks a young person’s first real step to adulthood.

- Johnmiles.

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