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POETRY: God Forbid My Death Now ! By: Aderoju Noah.T.

 God Forbid My Death Now !
At least till Later
God forbid my death now!
But if I die my blood is on your hands.
Perhaps no one will care about my death
But I know a few people, like the media will earn from it

If I truly die now my blood is on your hands
I know you won't ask me why? Just as you've never inquire why my friends in schools are dying
My blood is on those hands of yours that mercilessly marked my exam
 because you were not able to use it to touch my body,
My blood is on those hands that collected money from my struggling taxi driver dad
 who wants nothing but to earn enough to fund my education

My blood is on those hands of yours that would rather spend money on excessive political functions
than pay my mother who teaches in our township school.
My blood is on those hands that would rather sign a cheque for your concubines
than to sign to use bailouts to pay my civil servant uncle who promised to help finance my education
My blood is on your hands, do you believe now?

What is the point of keeping a life in a society
Where wrongs now outshine right on the scale of righteousness
What we read in the book does not even apply in reality anymore
Well, that is not even surprising when the writers are just one of the lot of the wrong doers
Is this reality really real?

We are always eager  to condemn every immoral acts
But the society keeps praising and aiding even the evil perpetrators
The fraudsters and the ritualist are now the prosperous ones
The strippers are no more porn stars but role models
Why should I still believe in life?

We strive against even the night just to go extra miles
In order to make our struggling parents proud
And prove the loafers wrong
With the bright colour of our results
But it seems like even the -ists of education do not want anything close to that
I dunno if they wanna start importing elites from abroad to be their students
Because what they demand of us is not what we were taught in class and sometimes never to do in the mosque or church.
The what is the point chasing novelty and moral standard?

The first time I read about depression,
I learnt that it is the older ones that are more prone to it
Those that have seen the rise and fall of mountains
Those  that have experienced the consequences of their failures
But what is of the youths now?
We have even exceeded those old legs with a step
By subscribing to suicide.
Where is the hope for the future?

Gone are the days when unexpected incidents like road accident or fire outbreak in the hall of residence causes the death of students.
Now death is  looming on all students in out-of-home institutions
We are already struggling with insufficient funding from home,
keeping up with the Yahoo and runs-girls on campus is another task.
Greedy and adulterous instructors find their  way into every sphere of our academic life
Yet we are still pulling up,
How are we to deal with the arbitrary judgement of these villains painting us as inadequate by failing us.
How should we come back home and say: "I Failed" ?
Instead of doing that, can't I just go to that Sweet Land of unimaginable beauty and tranquility,
And report them to the Lord of Fair Judgement?

I just pity the struggling sponsors
I pity the yearning dependents
I will hold on till later time
when maybe it will be better
Or the struggle will be tougher
So my excuse could be greater
But still I pray,
God Forbid My Death Till Later!

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