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Mahfouz Adedimeji once said, "when things fall apart, we are no longer at ease". But in Nigeria today things have fallen apart and we are still at ease, we are at ease with the things that have fallen apart without making a wimp, we have adapted to our abysmal situation without thinking straight. 

Even though in the theory of adaptation, animals adapt to the rapid changes in their society to ensure their continued existence but as social animals that wield the power which control the changes that determines the means of livelihood in our society, it is a sacrosanct responsibility we shoulder to ensure this changes are positively inclined to improve our standard of living. 

However we have decided to keep mum to the inanities   that have encapsulated our society, we have unanimously reach a conclusion to remain at ease with things that have fallen apart in our society or what other way can a pen highlight the unprecedented negligence we pay to the things that matter. 
Our government is like a group of malicious individuals who rule us like a swamp of fools,  they fight on the TV screen yet collectively loot our common wealth behind closed doors, they hurl abusive words at themselves across party line on paper yet embezzle Ghana Must Go with smile on their faces, they earn  millions daily yet majority of us wallop in poverty. 

Our roads are now deathtraps that aids  population control , I can count a hundred and one people who were born and have die after my birth yet the road that lead Ibadan to Lagos which was  commenced way before my birth is still under construction,  journeys that should last minutes now last for several hours if not days, but they own cars we can only dream of  which motor them across this roads with ease, they have aircraft that jet them away at the blink of an eye.
Electricity supply in the country have depleted completely, the country's electricity Megawatts have been less than 10,000 megawatts like forever, to make it more fascinating the electricity megawatts that power the most populous black nation in the world can only power two streets in Texas a city in United States of America yet we applaud the sector once in a while. 

As per education, it is now more of a privilege than a right, even though obafemi awolowo once said "if you think education is expensive try ignorance " but today Education in Nigeria is so ludicrous not even a rich man can afford it, only a wealthy personality can buy it for his child. 

While a family of five rot away in a rented room, top government officials live in castles that can their entire home their entire dynasty, the citizens struggle to fetch water In the stream yet politicians drink water filtered with state of the art technology. 

Personally I have no Issue with the Dino melayes of this country neither do I hold a grudge against the Sarakis of our era. My problem is with the common man who wield the power to determine the gatekeeper of the country 's wealth yet celebrate James ibori on his return from prison and defend Alison madueke despite embezzling billions in broad dayligh they even congratulated ganduje for his style of bribery.  

There was a time when the rich man can't sleep because the poor man is awake but in Nigeria today the rich man is asleep because the poor man is at ease with the things that have fallen apart.

Adebayo Abdulrahman writes from the city of Ibadan and  can be reached through adebayodayo2001@gmail.com

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