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NATIONAL HISTORY: Black Man Who Invented The Telegraphone, Artificial Incubator & 50 Other Inventions

Grandville Taylor Woods was a major game-changer during the western industrial revolution. He is the inventor of the system of communication between trains, automatic switch of electric circuits, artificial incubator, the electric self-dependence of trains, the telegraphone, and no less than 50 other inventions.
Grandville was a self-educated man who only took part in school until he was 10. He later went on to take a job at the railway company in Nebraska as a fireman and later on as an engineer while he studied electronics half-time.  He was afterward employed on a steamboat and went on to become the chief engineer, unfortunately, his rise was cut short because of racism.
Grandville resigned from his job, settled in Columbus, Ohio and committed himself to inventions that would modernize the train. Alongside his brother, Lyates, in 1884, he founded the Woods Railway Telegraph Company and also designed the telephone transmitter.
This enhanced the quality of sound and allowed for communication between long distances. A year later, he invented the telegraphone which conveys both the voice and the telegraph concurrently.
Help Us Share This Knowledge With The World On Twitter Click To Tweet Grandville would later sell his telephone invention to the American Bell Telephone Company as this innovation turned out a huge success. He further went on to design the Synchronous Multiplex Railway Telegraph.
This invention was a turn-around for the railway system because it enabled trains on the move to communicate with stations, thereby radically increasing safety. Twice, Thomas Eddison tried laying claims to this invention, but the court ruled in favor of Grandville.
Grandville went on to create a system that transmitted electricity to the train by installing two iron blocks every 40 meters of the rail, rendering electric cables installed on top of the railways of no use.
All through his life, he patented several innovations that he came up with for the trains and telephone systems. The last of his notable inventions are the automatic switch for electric circuits and the artificial incubator.
We can’t continue to allow our children and people to accept ad learn the lies that Black people are worth nothing. Over centuries, the Caucasians of this world focused a great lot of money and energy in discrediting the ingenuity of the Black race. Their unending attempt to steal the credit and heritage of ancient Egypt and Kmt is one good example.
So, it is important that our people see the importance of history. If we don’t teach our children history, we will wake up one day and the white man would teach them that we were created by white people, including all sorts of lies to make us look sub-human. Let us chose today to share this knowledge about the achievements of our ancestors.

SOURCE: https://libertywritersafrica.com/black-man-who-invented-the-telegraphone-artificial-incubator-50-other-inventions/

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