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POETRY: A Shot At History📌 By: Lateef Olalekan Olaniyi

_In times gone by in a land with myriads of vibrant and dynamic cultures._
_I mean long ago before the forebears were captured._
_Life was just a bowl of cherries mixed with rapture._
_The ancestors lived each day with lasting pleasure._

_Not so long, the aliens invaded._
_The rulers with low charisma were persuaded,_
_They betrayed the people for token._
_It saddened family ties were broken._

_Slavery became the order of the day._
_Our pride and dignity were sold away._
_Our able-bodied fathers were castrated._
_Our pretty mothers were badly molested._

 _"Oh my home, oh my home!_
 _"When shall i see my home!"_
_"When shall i see my native home!"_
_"I will never forget my home!_
_Only few who could survive the tormentry,_
_chorused bitterly in pain and agony._

_The leaders betrayed the forebears, now tormenting the descendants._
_The labour of our heroes' path seems to be in vain._
_Ethic of the ancestors has becometh a forbidden strain._
_O ye gone heroes should not have leaveth us in pain._

 _I blame it not on leaders,_
_I blame it on trust,_
_for commending us with lust,_
_for making us sight below just._ 

_I blame it not on leaders,_
_I blame it on our soft heart,_
_for leading us to the wrong path,_
_for making us ignore their horrible part._

_I blame it not on leaders,_
_I blame it on nature,_
_for directing towards us these horrible creatures,_
_for denying us a proper nurture._

_I blame it not on leaders,_
_I blame it on death,_
_for not taking their breath,_
_for not making them lie beneath._

 ```©Poet: Lateef Olalekan Olaniyi```    *Leo Zhimple*
 ```Phone: 08062584718``` 

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