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...Alms giving in the month of Ramadān

The seasonal coming of the month Ramadan has always been a special moment for the Muslims, due the numerous amount of virtues in this month. Rewards, and forgiven of Allah spread across every single second and place during this sacred month. One who realizes how small the preparation he has to welcome the Judgement Day later on, will be very pleased to welcome Ramadan. One who acknowledges how many sins he has committed, will have no other feeling but happiness and joy in welcoming the Ramadan.

As Muslims Islam has encouraged us to give more alms in this glorious month of Ramadan. By giving more alms to the needy and poor we get more blessings from Allah in our daily activities in life.
Ramadān as the month of blessings, Mercy, tranquility and guidance has come to reform every aspect of our lives. Hence, it's important for us as Muslims to make use of this sacred month to enrich ourselves with blessings from the Ultimate Reality, Allah.

Furthermore, Giving alms, especially giving and helping those in need, is so entrenched in Islam. And it's regard as a religious duty, that if a Muslim embark on he gets multiple in return. Allah says; “Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withhold and grants abundance, and to Him you will be returned.” (The Holy Qur’an, 2:245.

Moreover, the personal sacrifice of giving one’s possessions, no matter how small, for the sake of helping those in need is a blessing and means purifying our souls and wealth. From a drop of water to gardens of fruit we must remember that everything in this world is loaned to us for a brief period of time. The true test is the test of giving the given.

Hence, as Muslims we should always give out alms to the poor and the needy no matter how small especially during this month of mercy.this is because alms giving is part of the humanitarian and religious lessons that Ramadān as come to teach us.

*Thanni Mustakeem A. MMT(Nubia).*

3rd of Ramadān 1440AH.
8th of May 2019.

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