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The duo topics of virginity and premarital sex are not new to our society. Both, did gain high recognitions so many years back until recently when their relevance metamorphosed into the thin air.
However the debate still lingers even as the society continues to be dynamic.

Particularly in Africa where morality is sacrosanct, these two concepts are seen as  attributes of integrity. Moreover the Abrahamic religions are testaments to that assertion. Albeit custom differs from one angle of the world to another, but one global and unifying identity of  mankind is 'strict adherence to culture'.

According to the British Oxford Dictionary, virginity is 'the state or characteristic of being a virgin'. Virgin however according to the same source is ; 
"A person who has never had sexual intercourse, or sometimes, one who has never engaged in any sexual activity at all".

Also according to thefreedctionary.com , premarital sex denotes 'Sexual intercourse between people before marriage'.

In relation to the foregoing, it is no-brainer that these duo are intertwined. Because premarital sex ends the virginity. But what about postmarital sex?
It doesn't preserve the virginity either.

So what's the context all about ?
I believe the argument is needless. Rather, people should be guided. 
For instance, if you are saying that sex is meant only for married people, what about the folks that are not interested in marriage ?
I believe they have their right not to believe in marriage too, just the same way you do believe in it.
Or what about the less privileged couples ?
I equally understand that marriage comes with a lot of responsibilities that not everyone can afford.

So we may want to understand why people have sex in the first place. As a matured mind, I believe it gets to a stage when sex becomes a requirement. Although that is not to say that one should begin to fornicate. Because for many, fornication is bad for numbers of reasons : one could be infected, there could be an unfortunate reality of unwanted pregnancy, and more importantly for most people, they believe it is a great sin.

Very good reasons. But what about people that doesn't care ?
Should we castigate them for believing in what they believe ?
Well, I don't think so.
Because the same way you have the right to believe it is a sin, someone else also has the right to believe that it is not. You may be afraid of an unwanted pregnancy, whereas someone else is engaging in it for a contrary purpose. And the same way you believe abstinence is the only way you can stay safe, another person may have  solid preventive measures.
So you just have to respect that.

These things are not big issues really. But the major problem is some persons' inability to identify and manage individual differences. The moment you begin to think your opinion is the best, then you will start having issues.
That your doctrine frowns at something doesn't make it bad. You can only make your points clear, but when you begin to fight people for not liking what you like, I am afraid, the matter is not the problem but you. It means you are a problem to the world. If people could not freely practice their doctrine, then the world is no longer conducive for humanity.
You are as good as a terrorist.

Because you need to change your mentality. You can not always be right. Even if you were always right, it is your business. It only becomes people's business when you are polite enough in sharing your views. That's the only way people can start buying your ideas.

So on virginity and premarital sex, it remains two highly debatable ideologies. While some groups see virginity as a pride, some doesn't. Some sees premarital sex as a sin while many don't.
So do not be bittered at all.
Because our convictions are different.

You may want to start quoting your scriptures but always remember it's a religion. In as much as most of our activities are to a large extent, being influenced by our various religions, all nations are guided by their constitutions. And unfortunately, the fundamental human rights also recognizes the freedom of 'Religion or Beliefs'. Which automatically by that virtue, criminalizes you when you deviate from the legal provisions.

So, just like most religious beliefs, there is a life after death and God is the master of judgement. I also understand that many godly persons believe that it is a sacred duty to share the gospel, and rescue a wayward brother or sister. But it is indeed a nuisance under any law to, infringe on peoples' rights.

Therefore under the law and in issues such as this, no winner, no vanquish.
But let everyone be wise. 

If you can't deal with premarital sex, abstain !
If you can not abstain, protect yourself !

If you take pride in your virginity, keep it ! 
If you don't, lose it !

But let nobody point fingers..

Nobody holy pass o😘

*Written by✍🏾 Maiyaki Abubakar Damilare[MAIYAKI]*

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