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There is so much to fear, so many reasons to be paranoid. If only everyone had the foresight. 
Here, I am not referring to the predictions of an octopus in a game or any spiritual vision. But I hope I could articulate successfully in this piece, the relevance of 'political consciousness' to my audience. 

When I made mention of political consciousness, what I meant wasn't just about the news. Because  many thinks that following the news regularly means that they are politically aware. 

Well, that is  correct but not totally so.
I believe that news could only keep one informed about his immediate environment, and by extension, foreign news connects us with the global affairs. But that's not enough to boast that one is politically conscious. For me, news is just an aspect. And even at that, one could get misinformed if there isn't a proper guide.

Because politicians are naturally desperate that they devise various tactics of blackmailing their opponents. Some of them go as far as hiring journalists to cover a staged event, some may decide to pay a huge sum of money to media houses just to get interviewed. Moreover the rich ones among them would go as far as owning their media platforms, which varies from printing to electronic media. Thus greatly influencing the company's reports in order to suit their own selfish interest.
All these are means to an end. It is called propaganda.

It is however pertinent for citizens to trust their leaders but at the same time, place them on the watch. Because just as it is possible for us to have selfless leaders in the public service, we may also have the bad eggs whose main objectives are  antisocial in nature and are capable of sabotaging the 'National Interest'.

Therefore before we believe the news we get about certain things about our polity and political actors, it is our duty to censor the information. Bearing in mind that politicians are also human beings like us, hence they are capable of playing the blame games, telling lies among many others. All these are natural characteristics of being human. Therefore we need to know which radio station belongs to who, who and who are political allies and who are whose  political enemies before we believe the information we get. That is not to say that there are not elements of truth in the news we read, watch and listen to. But we must be careful.

So that at the end of the day, we don't become victims of political crisis, carriers of rumours and promoters of hate speeches. To the extent that it influences our election decisions and personal feeling towards a candidate or the other.

My advice is that we check for the  same news on different possible platforms in order to avoid misguidance and  public embarrassment. Let us endeavor to read on the biographies of our beloved leaders in order to be informed on their antecedents, so as to avoid a possible brainwash by political opponents. Of course this is what separates a 'learned' from an illiterate.

When you listen to the news, the only thing that separates you from the market woman and a 'cart pusher' is 'rationality'.

This is what triggers your reaction to the information. Because of course, there are radio stations that reports in local dialects. For many people, understanding the English language and speaking big grammars have become the heights of knowledge. But it may shock you to know that, it is only a language. And as long as one is not deaf and dumb, all humans communicate with one language or the other. Even those with hearing disability have their sign language. So be smart !

On this note, I like to make a 'Clarion' call to all and sundry. Let's be careful. Propaganda has caused so many problems in this Country already : divisiveness, riots, killings, terrorism and more. Therefore it is our duty to rise up to the challenge, as important stakeholders in the business of our 'Nation Building' so that we could demonstrate to politicians, our side of followership sagacity. Also, so that we could identify 'crocodile tears and poisonous laughter' once we sight them.
Thanks !

*Written by✍🏾 Maiyaki Abubakar Damilare [MAIYAKI]*

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