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MOTIVATIONAL TALK: Everyone Has A Purpose By: Abubakr Damilare(Maiyaki)

Ours is a planet with mystery. It harbors a number of miseryguts and 
miscreants, while it also provides shelter for the geniuses. Though it could be frenzy on a bad day, when the climate changes and the earth tremors. But the coziness of the surface is as hell.

From the angle where the sun rises, to the degree at which the moon displays it's beauty, it's all incredible.

So straight to the animal world, where in the forest, they do incredible things, just as terrific as a  happy flame. Which when it ignites, it dances so well but possesses a quality of awe.
One could only be caught off guard and exclaim ; Wao !

And what about the moments when that exclamation (wao) becomes tricky to grasp ? Perhaps due to the ludicrousness of a comic scene or the seriousness of a tragic setting.

How about the moments of surprise ?
When humans jail their brothers, when animals launches attacks on their families, and the earth reacts to abuse. When inferno breaks, injustice looses and pandemonium becomes the order of the day. It becomes unhealthy.

However among the mankind, some are loquacious while others are not. Also among the animals, some are ferocious while others are not. And among the plants, some are advantageous while others are not. Those are indeed, the intrigues of our world and it is always ridiculous to spite the talents of others or celebrate their weaknesses.

This isn't different from the society. Where we have the employers and the employees, the government and her subjects,the sages and their opposites, the rich and the poor, the agile and the weak. And lots more. Nobody is an island. Our society is big enough for everyone to contribute his/her quota. 

Therefore nobody should be dubbed as irrelevant and no voice should be discarded like a pack of waste. We are all important no matter the race, class or standard. Just as the nature is structured, everyone has a purpose ; 
'To lend a helping hand.'

*Written by✍🏾 Maiyaki Abubakar Damilare [MAIYAKI]*

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