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POETRY:📌THE GREEN📌By: Gbadamosi Toheeb

The air we breathe ought to remain free.
The water we drink ought to remain clean.
Our desires shouldn't have to extinct the trees,
Nor should our struggles bring the world to cease.

Ever wonder why the first men lived for centuries?
Ever wonder why we die earlier in this century?
Not farfetched from our destructive desire.
Can't look beyond our acts that often backfire.

The first men lived within their means.
Today's men only desire to explore every means.
Nature backfires and leaves us grasping for breath,
The repercussion leaves us a cracking earth.

Because of the quest for fame among human beings,
We pollute the air, to get back bronchitis
For the sake of the wealth that's filthy
We pollute the water to get back dysentery

Let the world hear the cries of the non human world,
Let the world pay attention to the green's word,
We have endangered the environment for far too long,
And the earth core is already a ticking time bomb.

©Gbadamosi Toheeb Adekunle
📝 *Badmus* ( _The Intrinsic Wordsmith_)
Email: adekunlebadmus@rocketmail.com
Contact: +2348093337875

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