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Poetry: THE DUA CONTRACTOR By: Issa Ameenah Abiodhun ✍🏻

Straight, he sat like a palm tree 
Yes! To people he matches an error free 
To the masses, he is a sage
A perfect creature that prays. 
Calling and running onto him; Yah Sheikh
Gathering all their share to fare his affairs. 

He is nothing but the heir to their creator 
As they settle to praise him "The Dua Contractor"
Who shoots the arrow of prayer and affairs to the Creator(God).
A shinning armor in human creation. 
Nay! A mini creator to the Creator.
The Prayer contractor and  demi god. 

Oh! The Prayer Contractor 
Can you reveal the clan shivering like Eskimos in the ice?
Who substitute human right with lies. 
Labelling and preaching to deceive them, 
Rather you worship gods in your locks,
As close as tobacco with alcohol. 

Oh! The prayer contractor. 
Congratulations! For leading them astray
Painting the you as a saint in Lad.
Constituting the innocent soul with fake sole. 
How I wish they see the truth in you 
That you are but a devil in disguise. 


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