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MOTIVATIONAL STORY: LAY YOUR FOUNDATION By: Alabi Omo Hanu-oluwa (Senator Alabi)

How did Al Capone's lawyer save America during 1920s capone quickly became public enemy number one because the mafia was killing people and he was getting them off. For years he defended Al capone and his gang he order the murder of scores of people. The only thing these guys would do, would be to respond with violence.

So, how did one mafia lawyer change history? And at what cost? His name was Easy Eddie he was such a good lawyer that no matter what charges they had on Al capon or his people, they couldn't put any of them in jail. He was so valuable that the mafia gave him enormous amount of money, the best of cars, the best of everything and he had a son. 

But Easy Eddie was thinking, I have given my son everything, everything money could buy but there is one thing, I haven't given my son, that is an example of a father that he could be proud of. Easy Eddie came to the conclusion that the only way I could give my son a father with the legacy of a good man is "I have to help the government put all the mafia in prison". He testified and the biggest people in the mafia were put into prison. He knew full well that he would be killed for doing this. One day he was driving his car and another car came by and several people with machine guns filled his body with bullets and he laid on the street dead. He paid a very high price to give his son a father who he could be proud of. 

When will I catch the sun with my hand
Disjointed it with my hand 
Like a melted snow 
The sun is light 
The light is evil as monstrous 
People will no longer see the light but darkness

Under the heaven of today 
Darkness is good 
It covers people's shadow
So as not to see the temptation in light in world.

But America faced a much greater enemy. During the war, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. So, how did Easy Eddie save his country?

There was a man in the united state Air force during world war two (WW2). He took off from his ship to go and fight against the Japanese. He saw about nine Japanese bombers coming toward the USS lexington to sink the boat and there were thousands of people on the boat. He was alone, and he decided "I have to stop them". So, he single handedly charged at these nine airplanes, they were shooting, and  shooting and shooting and he actually had fall two of them into the ocean. Surprisingly, he ran out of bullets and they were shooting and attacking him (nemesis). He was so fearless, that he was flying  at these different planes that were attacking him and he was knocking off their wings (lol). Finally, after five of the nine sank, the other(Japanese Air force) thought that this man was completely crazy and they all fled away.

He was the first person in the US Air Force in World War two (WW2) to get the US Congressional Medal of Honour, the highest honour there is. His name was Butch O'Hare. In order to remember him the airport in Chicago, "O'Hare" is named after him. He is considered one of the greatest heroes of America history because he was willing to sacrifice his own life for the higher cause of others.

What makes this story so interesting is Butch O'Hare was the son of Easy Eddie.

👉What are we giving our children? I've seen people work so hard for money, give it to their children and their children fight as enemies to see who gets it. Is that the legacy? Is that fulfilling of life? Is that what we want to live to the world?

Our values, our character, the grace and the compassions and that the love that flow through us is the greatest contribution we could make to our own life, to our families and to the world. When we have those values, and we work we build that foundation then we could have a wonderful fulfilling, meaningful life beyond birth, beyond death. We could leave that as the legacy for the world. 

God bless!

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