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MATTER ARISING: Bogus Beggars And Their Evil By: Maiyaki Abubakar Damilare

Blessed are the hands of a giver. For givers shall never lack. But what becomes of a beggar?
Actually, begging is not a crime. It is outrightly better to request than to rob. Begging is lawful while robbing is not.
   However, blessed is that possession lawfully acquired, and shall curse be upon those properties unlawfully gathered.
    But when does begging become sinful?
Clearly, when it becomes bogus.
I believe begging becomes only necessary when survival stares at doom. It then takes cowardness to forgo begging for destruction.
   In other words, begging only becomes inevitable when all chips are down. Begging only becomes an alternative when all practical means of livelihood becomes invisible. When the red sign of poverty reaches the bottomless pit. We then can say, that if you leave the patient dog waiting for the fattest bone, the former will not live to see the latter's arrival. Purely, its a place of chronic help. That one must press the emergency button. Otherwise, the end might pay a surprise visit.
   That said, but when begging goes the wrong lane. It becomes embarrassing.
Today, some crooks have devised various strategies of bogus begging. The first wrong is their insincerity while the second, their mischief. There are people today, who can afford common means of livelihood but rather than live within the ambit of self sustenance, they prefer the place of 'better life' and that is ordinarily not a problem. But to think that your prosperity must be a community project, it is absolutely unlawful.
   These set of individuals are as good as looters, fraudsters, robbers and cyber criminals. Because they technically deceive unsuspicious members of the public into undue giving. 
    In our world today, there are corporate beggars. Those who begs majestically and dictate to their supposed helpers.
   Equally, there are cyber beggars, also known as online beggars. These set of people stocks rich and famous people on the social media, they then draft cunning strategies to attract sympathy.
    Before now, the known beggars to our society are street beggars who are mostly genuine. The crop of new generation of beggars who are bogus have now made it difficult for the society to identify realness. Some bogus beggars are even evil. They won't only devise cunning strategies for begging, but they are ready to hurt their helpers. Some go as far as going to Churches and Mosques to cart sacred items for evil purposes. While some of them assaults, some ends up kidnapping, or even killing their benefactors, which is absolutely strange. These have made generosity a dangerous act, even as charity groups are more cautious.
    Verily, Bogus beggars have abused the benevolence of our society and have undermined our spirit of brotherhood. This article however is not to discourage the good, humane and godly act of giving, but to discourage the abusers, and caution the general public from falling victims of bogus begging. 
It is good to give. It is rather wise to be generous with caution.
Thanks for reading.

Written by✍🏾 Maiyaki Abubakar Damilare
Maiyaki_official (IG)

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