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Education: School Versus Street By: Maiyaki Abubakr Damilare

   While the place of the school is sacred for psychological awareness, that of the street is revered for its role in mental preparedness. To eschew any iota of doubt, these two forms the integral part of  human development and of course, nation building.
   The school is like a class room where theories are being taught while the street is a laboratory for practicals. There is definitely no contention that a good student needs a pass mark in these two to excel.
   In addition, there is an impression I will like to correct. It is the notion that street belongs to the poor. It is totally wrong.
Just in the same manner that many in the past, thought that the school was made for the elites, an impression that had since been corrected, thanks to accessibility in the sector, the same ideology is presently peddling as regards the ownership of the street. 
   It is understandable because the idea of the street is always a ghetto. Mostly a dirty area with low class citizens, sometimes with the challenges of abject poverty, lack of basic infrastructures and absence of important medical facilities. This is always the idea when many people think of the street, which is not totally so. In as much as that definition might be partially acceptable, it only represents a portion of the story. The rest of the story is either being colored by ignorance or an intentional adulteration. All things considered, the street is a home to everyone in as much as you exist as a human, have family and neighbours. How you relate and cope with them, is the true meaning of the street lessons.
   A street is a place of reality. Just like the indispensability of the school, the street is equally an important place in the society. While the former prepares a generation for the tasking responsibilities of the future, the latter serves as a grassroot changer, and a networking platform for potentials.
   However, to survive in the two distinct space, one major requisite is smartness. Although, the street requires more of doggedness because often times, endurance is always the degree of 'Streetsters' while every graduate of the school is a certified brainy.
   The above are the most guaranteed expectations. But even more expectedly, a few disappointing cases are painfully inevitable. That is to say, it is possible to have a bastard in the family of lions. A cowardly lion.
   In sheer elucidation, the school and the street are two halves of a necessary dosage for the cure of uncertainty. They are lifetime remedies for failure.
   It is also pertinent to note that the marriage of the school and street spirits in a single person can produce the offspring of genius. Therefore these two components must be synergized in order to insinuate, orchestrate and perfect a monumental revolution.

Note: The idea of the street is not that of hooliganism but Humanism. Also, the school should not only center on literalness, it should equally encourage creativeness.

Written by✍🏾 Maiyaki Abubakar Damilare

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