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On this day, 7th of July, 2019. It was already past 4pm. I realized that my penless streak keeps gaining momentum by the day. That my 'one time' unabated freelancing was struck by an ink drought, which has made the joy that my audience always derive from reading my mind-blowing articles an intermitent event. Although, a plethora of causation did cumulate to cripple my prolific delivery, however the flame of proficiency that I posses as a scribe wont cease to burn.

On what seems like a sabbatical, It has allowed me to do more with my time as I withdrew just like a snail or tortoise, from the scary tales of literary criticisms, backlashes and controversies that always surround a 'too' fantastic delivery, into the shells of protection, peace. Scampering into the warmest shell of wisdom was never an option. More so, it was unprecedented but timely. Indeed, it was a beautiful experience off the norms, to relax, watch and observe.

Whilst lingering in the moment, consumption became the order of the day as I was enjoying the delicacies that were being dished by the restaurants of reality. I traveled through the realms of  experience and of course, dived through the pool of life, with the rhythms of daily activities whispering through my tender drums. Well, whether the lyrics were dance able or not, the beat did its job.

When I remembered my community service,  I picked up the pen. I thought it was high time I stopped getting carried away by the drama of the world, and returned to what I know how to do best. 
In this little phase, I have witnessed a lot. I read about scandals, Ruga settlements, and hey! Biggie is here.

My take home was so simple. Life is too short!
Things are happening daily. While you are there engaging in worthless arguments, people are on the roundtable discussing your future.
Just as you are admiring and duplicating someone else's lifestyle, they are busy on tours. And as you are hating on your neighbors, he wont be bothered. You care to know why?
He always smile to the bank.
So pick up a struggle because time is on a fast lane. Get out of that traffic and get a bike, or possibly a chopper.

Written by✍🏾 Maiyaki Abubakar Damilare

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