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POETRY: Read and Lead{NEXT WORD APTITUDE} By: Lawal Sultan

Read and lead the world,
A reader lives a thousand lives before death,
As words are not just meant to be read on pages,
Words are equally meant to be breathable.

Those who have issues with monarchy call it tyranny,
Out of envy the oligarchs are called aristocrats,
When you benefit not you say democracy is tyranny of the majority,
Maybe those who look down on themselves academically say education is scam.

One man's scam is another man's success route,
Not everyone will toe same line,
One road doesn't lead to the market,
We are all destined for success in different ways.

What you become in life might be hidden in pages,
How do you solve the puzzle while you neglect the clue,
It's better to be surprised than disappointed,
Don't let peer pressure turn your back to what might be your saving grace.

You can have the degree and still put it in your chosen career,
Go to school so you don't get a link to a well paid job and you say I'm not qualified,
Be serious at what you're doing so you don't end up saying life is a scam,
Work hard so they don't use you as example of not well to do graduates.

✍🏽 Lawal Sultan
FB: Lawal Sultan
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