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In the month of Ramadan, every year, Muslims are fond of talking about Zakat. To many of them, Zakat is Zakat. Hardly do they know the difference between Zakatul Fitr and Zakatul Mal. The former is the token flat tax paid by every fasting Muslim to purify his or her fast in the sacred month. The latter is the annual compulsory tax paid, on wealth, by the rich to the poor. It is a whole pillar of Islam.

Zakatul Fitr is a flat rate, which makes no difference between the rich and the poor. Its measurement is four ‘Muddu’ of grains. The grains to be given out as Zakatul Fitr include: rice, corn, millet, beans, soya beans and the likes. However, by analogical deduction, some scholars are of the opinion that popular staple foods like ‘gari’ and ‘semolina’ can also be given out as Zakatul Fitr.

Besides, the measurement to be given out can be valued in currency and given out as such. The purpose of this is to enable the beneficiary have a choice.

If only grains are given, the beneficiary may not be able to afford the needed amount with which to turn them into edible food. And, the real aim of Zakatul Fitr is to create a festive mood for everybody within the Muslim community. Unlike Zakatul Mal, Zakatul Fitr is to be given out not by fasting Muslims alone but by every other Muslim even if he\she does not fast. It is a Zakat given by both the adult and the minor.

The head of the family is to be responsible for the other members of his family in the payment of Zakatul Fitr. For each member of his family, four ‘Muddu’ or its equivalent in money is to be given out as Zakatul Fitr.

Generally, Zakatul Fitr is given to the poor and the needy who can hardly afford three square meals daily. It may also be given to a trustworthy Imam for onward distribution to the poor and the needy since he is in a position to know them.

Zakatul Fitr is not meant for the consumption of any Imam, who is also to give out such Zakat. The best time to give out Zakatul Fitr is either the night preceding Eidul Fitr or early morning on Eidul Fitr day. It should not be delayed till after Eidul Fitr.

Zakatul Fitr is a traditional obligation especially for fasting Muslims. Whoever is unable to pay it at the specified time must regard it as a debt which must be settled at a later date.

The fact that one has disbursed Zakatul Fitr does not stop him from giving voluntary charity (sadaqah) to the poor and the needy. Allah is the creator of the givers and the receivers. If it pleases Him, He can reverse the condition of both.

Some people choose the month of Ramadan to disburse their normal annual Zakatul Mal (annual tax). Under these are other types of Zakah like the Zakat of animals, Zakat of farm products and Zakat of minerals.

It may be discussed at another forum, another day.


Dr.Femi Abbas is a columnist at THE NATION NEWSPAPER and can be reached via: E-mail: femabbas756@gmail.com Tel: 08115708536 (Text only)

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