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RELIGIOUS MATTER: Tolerance [RAMDĀN SERIES] (Day 8) By: Thanni Mustakeem

Tolerance is the ability or willingness to accept the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.

Tolerance is a big sacrifice that has to be made by all in order to preserve the peaceful coexistence in this world.

One cannot possibly  escape being offended or angered, hence, as Muslims you have to prepare yourself and expect that people Will offend or trample upon your right. It is inevitable! You should also know that the person can be someone close to you, maybe your siblings, spouse, friends, even your parents or children. Your neighbors,colleagues,partners are not left out.

But will you cut off everyone who offends you, NO!  That is impossible because you may end up isolating yourself and wrongly conclude that everyone else is bad but you.
Why most you be full of hatred ? Why keep a heavy heart always ? You deserve to be happy all the time.

Islam bids you to preserve all ties, and disassociate not with anyone on account of personal wrong. To accomplish this righteous and religious duty, the only path to follow is that of tolerance.

Thanni Mustakeem A. MMT(Nubia).

8th of Ramadān 1440AH.
13th of May 2019.

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