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RELIGIOUS MATTER: Patience[ Chronicles of the Muslim,Ramadan Series] By: Thanni Mustaqeem

Patience means to exercise restraint from anxiety and remain calm in hardships. It is a virtue which enables us to proceed towards worthy goals and remain unaffected by difficult situations.
Every Muslims will be tested. Such tests can come in the form of fear, hunger, illness, some loss in goods or lives or similar provisions. No one can have a completely blissful life without hardships. Being Patient will  play the role on holing one’s soul from being impatient and displeased, holding the tongue from complaining and the body parts from harming himself or others. 

Similarly, Patience has great status in the sight of Allah. Patience is one of the best form of deeds and has a great reward with no limit. Allah  says: *" Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without Hisāb (without limit, calculation, and estimation)*.” (Quran, 39:10). There are great rewards only for those among us who are patient with the Decree of their Lord. In this world, we face many difficulties, trials and sufferings but we have to be patient because Allah loves those that are patient in difficult times., Allah in another verse of the Qur'an says: *“And be Patient. Surely, Allah is with those who are patient.”*

The noble prophet Muhammad, in an Hadith encouraged Muslims to be patient, and that being patient will bring about Allah's mercy through His forgiveness. *“No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that.”*(Hadith) 

In our dear country, Nigeria, there are different instances (such as economic hardship,unemployment,betrayed trust, etc). that tend to set our being patient ablaze. However,  as Muslims we should always remember that Tough times never last but tough people do. Allah says: *"With difficulty is surely ease"*. Al-Inshirah(94:6)

As  Muslims, let us be patient in whatever situation we have met ourselves. May Allah strengthen our faith in this holistic path. 

THANNI, Mustakeem A. MMT(Nubia).

9th of Ramadān 1440AH. 
14th of May 2019.

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