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RELIGIOUS MATTER: How Ramadan Heals[ Ramadan Guide] By: Dr.Femi Abbas

very year, most Muslims perceive Ramadan from economic, social, moral and spiritual perspectives. What they don’t seem to know is that the practical lessons of this sacred month are far beyond those scopes.
Science is in a state of continuous evolution and new discoveries follow one another's heels. A large flow of information often come like a spring from scholarly mediums and put the modern man on the right path of knowledge.
Biologically, human beings grow old and eventually die. Very few people ponder over this occurrence. We have all accepted it as a natural phenomenon which we must abide by willingly or unwillingly.
Apart from old age, most people die not because they are naturally ripe for death but because the blood flowing through their coronary arteries clots sometimes prematurely and render their body systems partially or fully ineffective.
Because of the excessive consumption of certain improper diets, and other defective factors in our biological set-ups, human arteries become hard and rusty hence the mad rush for treatment in hospitals or traditional apothecaries.
This process of rustiness in human system is medically called Atheroma. And many theories have been advanced to explain its mechanism especially how it causes rustiness in human blood vessels.
One of the great advantages of fasting especially in the month of Ramadan, is to increase the power of the blood to dissolve blood clots whether those clots are in the coronary arteries of the heart that cause heart attack or in the cerebral arteries that cause stroke. This is where fasting comes handy as a miraculous healer.
Fasting does not only lower blood pressure and alleviate severe chest pain (angina pectoris) resulting from a reduced supply of blood and oxygen to the heart, it also prevents an arterial disease (arteriosclerosis) occurring especially in the elderly as characterized by elasticity and thickening of the blood flow. Not only that. Fasting also reduces the mortality rate of heart attack.
The blood sugar is maintained at a steady level during fasting even as the glucose  being formed at that level from glycogen and natural fat mobilized to dispose tissue function effectively.
In a nutshell, Ramadan brings about an increase in secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary which causes an increase in human weight and acceleration of linear growth with widening epiphysis (the end of the lung at the point where it was previously separated by cartilage to allow bone to grow) especially in young animals. Thus, with fasting in Ramadan, a competent doctor can be said to have been imported into the workings of the body system.

Dr. Femi Abbas is a columnist at The Nation Newspaper and can be reached via: e-mail: femabbas756@gmail.com Tel: 08115708536 (Text only)

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