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Education:ACRIMONY By: Abubakr Damilare[Maiyaki]

In a recent ponder, I reflected on the banality of acrimony. Which has vehemently overwhelmed a chunk of the global public. Hence, without much ado, highlighting the devastations that the world suffers from, due to sheer hatred and bitterness, becomes a centenary ease.
Catastrophes are constantly falling on our planet like heavy acidic downpours. With acrimony claiming responsibility for the larger percentage.

In an ideal setting, this ugly manifestation ought to birth a dilemma. But here, we have a habitual culture of negligence. Hostility of any sort makes one become irritated and frustrated. To whatever degree, a state of irateness is always a delicate situation which is capable of causing division, indecision, agitation and of course, aspersion. In other words, a mind full of animosity is an embodiment of havoc.

"Hatred is a dastard disease of the mind which attacks via the existence of sentiment, and always engulfs its victims with susceptibility".
Many people are victims of this weapon of mass destruction. But because its a thing of the mind, only a few are aware about their predicaments. However, specific remedies that would unravel the plight of the others, has always been an open secret.

Therefore, I believe that the onus of intellectual enlightenment about this grey area of the mentality rests on my wrist. As a freelance scribe, I owe my audience a social responsibility of mental hygiene, by infusing sanctity into literature. Anyway,literature itself is cosmopolitan.

The symptoms of a bittered mind are anxiety, hostility, and depression just to mention but a few. The consequences of acrimony too are not far fetched. They are ; division, corruption, character assassination, violence, terrorism and death, to be frugal with words.

*Enemies are liabilities. Friends are assets. Wise people don't inherit foes but make friends. You should endeavour to shun hatred and embrace love. Like that, you will become a better human being : A peaceful, healthy and wealthy lifestyle to beget.*

On the contrast, living a poor life by all ramifications lie beneath  the belly of a purveyor of shenanigan. That commodity is a product from a sentimental factory of the mind, which is being sold to unsuspecting buyers in order to draw factions within them and throw the market into a state of pandemonium first, and a scanty terrain much later.

Acrimony is like a tsunami that sweeps off the reputation of a hero, painting him as an enemy of progress, thus serving him with the meal of seclusion. People hate on one another due to plethora of reasons - rift, jealousy, rivalry, discountenance. Whatever the case may be, it doesn't worth it.
We all need to extend the arms of fellowship, forgive ourselves and shun vengeance.
Verily, euphoria lies in the peace of mind.

*Written by✍🏾Maiyaki Abubakar Damilare[MAIYAKI]*

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