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Poetry: THE TRUTH ABOUT LIES By: Gbadamosi Toheeb.A.

I tried as much as possible to concur
To the reasons I was given for why lies should occur
Some were adamant that it is necessary
Others argued that it is to forestall calamity

Maybe it is necessary when a life is on the line
Then perhaps, it is understandable to tell a bunch of lies
But how often is it dependent upon a person's life
Hypocrisy aside, here is the truth about lies

Time and time again, we have come to embrace lying
Trying to manipulate our ways in situations that are trying
Thinking that only lies can save the world from ailing
But then how has it prevented humanity from sinking?

Have we forgotten the popular adage?
"That should a lie travel for a donkey age,
On one faithful day, the truth shall surface"
And the shame will come crashing down on our face

The lies we tell, feeling good about it
Have we no regard for the result it may bring?
Verily, the teller and the listener cannot both fall to the deceit of lies
The liar among them, is well aware whether or not he lied

Perhaps, we fail to consider its multiplier effect
Unlike telling the truth, lies have a damning defect
They travel faster, more like the speed of light
Largely because it is what we have come to like

Don't let's hurriedly forget the story of a chronic liar
He'd turn himself to the people's unofficial town crier
Deceitfully screaming that his hut is on fire
Apparently leaving the villagers often disappointed and tired

But when eventually his home got razed by the fire
He screamed and wailed but no one cared to answer
Largely due to his reputation as a renowned liar
His house got consumed, and he was left in tatters 

Even if you possess a doctorate degree in telling lies
For as long as a man is not known for telling the truth
On his words, even facts, no one will choose to rely
Because *"a lie sweetly told, can never equal the bitter truth "*

©Gbadamosi Toheeb Adekunle
📝 *Badmus* _(The Intrinsic Wordsmith)_
Email: adekunlebadmus@rocketmail.com
Contact: +2348093337875

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