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Education: DEVELOP A THICK SKIN By: Abubakr Damilare[Maiyaki]

To develop a thick skin is to render your detractors frustrated, confused and helpless. The 'thick skin' attitude is what every progressive minded human being needs. The ability to deal with criticism or spite without anger. That's one level of maturity you should always aim to reach.
Why do you need to develop a thick skin?

No matter what you do, how you try, you can not escape acrimony. And to think that there are different kind of people around you, you should always expect different behaviors.

In the world that we dwell, everyone has his or her peculiarity. While some are optimists, others are the opposites. That is the interesting thing about life.

As a matter of fact, when you are still thinking that being an 'achiever' is the best you want out of life, for some people, all they want out of life is to sit back, wait for your next story, and attack you. That's their job! So it is a practical waste of time to seek their consent or give credence to their actions.

A life full of potentials versus a life devoid of dreams. You guys don't match! Therefore to begin to join words with a spoiler, it means that you have accepted to roll in the gutters with him/her. And that's totally unnecessary. It's a complete waste of time because you both will never agree. The simple explanation is that you have a vision and the other person is either myopic or blind.
So do you argue with a blind person about the color of your dress?

Some people will never see anything good in you no matter what you do. Even Jesus Christ failed to win every soul around him. Despite the positives chronicled about Prophet Muhammed in the Quran, his own people (meccans) betrayed him. So if those two could fail to impress everyone despite their selfless services and magnanimity, who the hell are you?

You should never try to impress. Whatever you do, make sure you derive joy in it. When joy becomes your priority, it will be your solace in the face of backlash and nothing will surprise you.

You may be a dream chaser but you also need to be mindful of dream killers. Today, many potentials have wasted, many dreams are shattered and opportunities untapped due to the activities of naysayers. Many fall victims of this unfortunateness because they attach so much importance to the dream killers. It's understandable because a dream killer could be someone very close. It could be a family, friend or colleague.
So henceforth, stop giving too much f**ks.
Try that and watch your life improve.

Be that giant! Listen to that inner voice and motivate yourself to greatness. Because if you failed, the world will laugh at you including your friends. But when you are successful, even the naysayers will form familiarity.
Please pick up your life. Carry your cross before it's too late.

✍🏾 Maiyaki Abubakar Damilare (MAIYAKI)

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